about me

Cynthia! <333

Name : Cynthia
Birthday : 31 Jan
Age : 13
Email : orange7332@gmail.com
Blog : Domo. DouNiu.


最近还好吗- S.H.E

Info On Me


The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries
Brown Sugar Macchiato
Why Why Love
Romantic Princess
KO one
The magicians of love
Hana Kimi[Taiwan Version]
Teen Age
Beach Ball Babes
Little Nyonya
Hot Shot

And alot more

A red and black bball
A new sport shoe
New clothes
Past my subject with flyings colours

Love and Like
to go out with friends
make new friends
teachers(not all)
playing sports with friends
ice cream
taiwan/singapore stars(not all)
back stabber
bossy people
to fail my subjects
breaking up with friends
to be alone



My another blog


June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009


Designer:Si Ying
Pictures: Asianfanatics
Textures: flyinghigh
Photo Uploader: Photobucket
Music: imeem
Host: Blogger

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
7:19 AM

today going to blog about the past few days and today ...
on sunday meet rennie and do homework but didn't do much ...
at the end play bball .
there is not much people playing on sunday .
there is a guy there ,
we went up to ask whether we can play with him anot .
then later we started shooting ,
find that it is kind of bored .
so we asked him whether he wanted to play match .
he agreed too .
start : we start
loser ball .
first we shoot in ,
then he shoot ,
then we shoot ,
then continue ...
after a while his friend came .
and we started playing .
there is also one guy out of no where join in too .
omg !!!
he like to anyhow shoot .
his pattern let me remembered someone ,
he like to turn .
ok ,
the guy that let us use his ball is damn pro .
his shooting from the third pointer was damn nice .
he also thought us how to shoot from the third pointer .
rennie finally shoot from third pointer .
happy for her .
from now training to shoot from the outside .
we're working hard on it .
yesterday ...
during asem ,
miss mok call me to go find her ,
so that she can teach me math .
then i took my books to go look for her .
she say she go and ask mr patrick ng .
she say he say :
like then like then something that ,
miss mok just say ,
yayaya .
then she come out of the staff room and then tell me is something like that then like that .
mrs elangovan was there too .
in the end she teach me .
after it is so easy .
i don't know why i cannot understand in the first place .
hiaz .
good thing that i am clear now .
yesterday and today have test math and geo .
hiaz ,
the my test she also never say have .
i never study .
then don't know how to do ,
geo so hard the question .
so many marks ,
must write alot .
hiaz .
going to die for the three test .
( 2 math , 1 geo )
tmr and thursday no school as it is hbl .
must log in at the time that was given .
thought i can sleep longer .
haiz .
don't know how many work is going to give tmr .
feel like playing tennis ....
Cynthia is bored !!!
hiaz .
is late already .
going to stop for now .
bye bye
and see your the next time .

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Friday, September 25, 2009
4:42 AM

hey ...
exams is coming .
ar ...
haven started studying .
haiz .
yesterday when down to play bball .
there is the part when where you catch the ball ,
you throw the ball from there .
then i got the outside third pointer one .
at the side .
then i anyhow shoot .
and ...
it when in .
ya !!! so happy .
today our school go to the st theresa church ,
as our seniors is guating .
we walk there .
me and rennie was at the back .
then behind us was ltt and mdm mas .
( sorry if i spell the name wrongly )
then when we sit down .
miss mok was beside me .
notice that she has 2 ear holes .
is nice leh .
the time at the church was boring ...
then crystal sms me ,
saying that she is very bored .
haiz .
project still haven completed .
don't know what to do ...
sian to do hw .
just feel like playing sports .
like hockey , netball , bball , tennis etc ...
btw ,
just today rennie and my charmaine go to supp with me .
then after that we played netball bball with zhixuan they all .
it was kind of fun .
but to little people .
3 vs 3 .
full court .
then after that we played hockey .
calista say she heat the ball not sound one .
ask how we hit .
after a while we go already .
then went to a place and ask if we can do cip there anot .
and they said yes .
ya !!!
but after exams then can go .
just thinking ...
if one day after exams ,
can the teacher bring us to bball court ,
and have bball for the day .
not one hour ,
is the whole school lesson .
if this really happens .
it will be damn fun , interesting .
but this will not really happen .
as not all people will want to play bball .
hand is aching snice yesterday ...
haiz .
alot of things to do ...
don't want to do .
feel like asking calista to play bball after the exams .
it will be fun ,
i think ?
remember to tag before leaving .
if i never link you .
you can tad and tell me .
ok . so sian now ...
want to go play games le .
see your the next time .
bye bye

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
6:22 AM

hello... ...
today for pe we have hockey .
think that it was kind of fun :)
we are going to have the inter-class game again ,
fun fun fun ... ...
the teacher is going to chose 20 person to take part .
just wish exams periods could fast forward ,
then can play .
now ccas have stop .
miss the time playing tennis .
feel like playing this few days ...
today went to changi beach to pick litter .
our cip .
my class is doing with 1J .
natasha picked a dead , flat bird .
ewwww ...
she dares to pick up ...
OMG !!!
then found alot more other normal rubbish .
we were taking pictures can picking litters .
we walk and walk ,
saw the swing ,
so we went to play .
it was fun ...
mrs francis come already ,
so we want o stop .
but people hurt themself by jumping down .
she did not scold us .
so kind of her .
after the picking .
we had a 2 class photo .
wanting to see those pictures .
wondering when will they post it on fb ???
after that went to buy ice cream waffle .
then play ...
got alot of project to do ,
sian ar ...
oh ya ,
just bought a new bag .
the design is like this :
whole view
cute hor ...
mrs elangovan like going to create fb .
can add her :)
got to go do geo already .
see your the next time .
remember to tag k :)
clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
6:28 AM

haiz ...
again so looooooooooooong never blog already .
sorry ar ...
vivian always say that my blog is died .
nothing much to blog what .
today is the last day of our tennis training .
don't want it to stop as it is fun playing .
today we have match .
i like the score today ,
as it is like the inter-class netball competition match score ,
i got 6:0 .
yeah !!! i won .
the next match i think i'm playing with ming lim .
need to practise more .
now we going to start dragon boating .
is this friday ,
don't know fun anot .
going with miss teo .
as we have lesson .
then have to go later abit .
exam coming ...
so have to study more .
then ...
can i still play bball ?
will i pass ?
how hard is the paper ?
can the time fast forward when i like ?
haiz ...
is so bored .
geo is getting more difficult and difficult .
don't know can manage anot .
today again is a short post .
want to get sport shoe ... ... ...
when will i ever get it ???
i want to go run ...
ok ...
got to go do homework liao ...
so ...
bye bye
see your the next time .

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D