about me

Cynthia! <333

Name : Cynthia
Birthday : 31 Jan
Age : 13
Email : orange7332@gmail.com
Blog : Domo. DouNiu.


最近还好吗- S.H.E

Info On Me


The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries
Brown Sugar Macchiato
Why Why Love
Romantic Princess
KO one
The magicians of love
Hana Kimi[Taiwan Version]
Teen Age
Beach Ball Babes
Little Nyonya
Hot Shot

And alot more

A red and black bball
A new sport shoe
New clothes
Past my subject with flyings colours

Love and Like
to go out with friends
make new friends
teachers(not all)
playing sports with friends
ice cream
taiwan/singapore stars(not all)
back stabber
bossy people
to fail my subjects
breaking up with friends
to be alone



My another blog


June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009


Designer:Si Ying
Pictures: Asianfanatics
Textures: flyinghigh
Photo Uploader: Photobucket
Music: imeem
Host: Blogger

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
5:41 AM

hey people ,
sorry didn't blog for a looooooong time .
amanda keep calling me to update it .
hiaz , very sian .
this few days ,
my friends were like in to play bball even teacher .
but she couldn't make it .
btw ,
one of our tennis teacher has change to miss teo .
did i blog this in the previous post ?
if yes then .... dunno .
exam scores not bad .
did improved .
ya don't know what to blog .
oh ya .
played match with the ges .
very funny .
there is one guy ,
quite short sec two .
he like also alot .
when he was about to shoot in the ball the ball kana stuck at the goal there .
his friends call him shorty .
there is other player ,
one is wan xuan from sec 2 scout ,
the other one is dunno who from sec 1 also from scout ,
( don't want to say her name , keep asking wu ming )
there is other two ,
one sec three and one more dunno sec what .
playing with them very funny .
that day natalie , christine , carmen when too .
at the starting they were not the active ,
but later on they became better .
hop they can come again .
is fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun to play with them :P
this few days amanda is also trying to help me to improve my english .
thanks amanda .
the english supp gave us alot of ws to do .
damn alot .
now the lit class is more interesting then the past .
it is very funny now .
our cca is going to participate in other sport too .
our is dragon boating .
not that looking forward to it as i don't know how to swim :(
sorry ar . so long never blog then now blog so little .
trying to blog more also .
i don't think there is anymore thing that i want to blog .
sorry if you think is a short post .
ok . see your the next time .
bye for now

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Friday, August 14, 2009
8:23 AM

the past few days no time to blog as there is exams going on .
today finally over .
damn happy !!!
no need to study already . YA !!!
the past few days our bball t shirt was finally completed .
now new shirt for bball .
on 12/8/09 went for the hockey match that our school had .
the first few rounds they played the score is 0 : 0 ,
so they have another way to play .
in the end the score is 2 : 0 .
stc won . YA !!!
saw miss quek jump with happiness .
she is really happy that day .
today went for the english supp .
it was ok .
after that saw miss teo ,
she say she is going to bring me to keppel club to have tennis training .
i was like ,
i never bring my racket .
then she say she will lent me .
after she is ready to go ,
i say i don't have pe attire ,
she also say she lent me .
she is like a teacher who have everything .
she is kind .
she even paid for the taxi fare .
damn nice lah .
my father said that she is damn polite .
btw , my mother bday today .
made a bday card for yamin ,
but forgot to give her . haiz .
her birthday is tmr .
tmr not sure whether blogging anot , so gonna wish you happy birthday .
sorry everytime is a short post .
not that like to update so often .
find that if everytime blog ,
the blog will just be like a diary .
so ya . wish to have a personal bball court .
today lesson damn boring .
haiz . boring ... boring ... boring ... boring ...
ok .
want to watch tv , so ........
bye bye

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
6:32 AM

today ran the 2.4 .
rennie is my buddy .
when i started running the first run ,
amanda past me .
i thought it was good for her .
her sis also trying to catch up .
i am happy that they would want to catch up with me .
then we won't fail .
i don't think anyone in my class fail , hopefully .
my timing was 13 20 .
thought that was quite slow .
my aim is more .
this few days have alot of homework and projects .
just hope teacher will stop giving .
yay !!! friday is a half day .
made t shirt today .
but is red .
i think wearing on friday .
today tennis training have only a little few people .
starting there was only me , nicole and zi yu .
three sec one ,
and there is five sec two ,
three sec three .
total only eleven people .
so damn little .
today mr ng say that we are taking either :
ice skating ,
archery ,
fencing ,
bowling ,
etc ...
just hope it will be basketball .
then we can train in our speed to catch the ball .
long time never play already .
haiz .
cannot shoot well already .
not going to type much today .
as i still have homework .
so ya ........
see your the next time .
bye bye

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D