about me

Cynthia! <333

Name : Cynthia
Birthday : 31 Jan
Age : 13
Email : orange7332@gmail.com
Blog : Domo. DouNiu.


最近还好吗- S.H.E

Info On Me


The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries
Brown Sugar Macchiato
Why Why Love
Romantic Princess
KO one
The magicians of love
Hana Kimi[Taiwan Version]
Teen Age
Beach Ball Babes
Little Nyonya
Hot Shot

And alot more

A red and black bball
A new sport shoe
New clothes
Past my subject with flyings colours

Love and Like
to go out with friends
make new friends
teachers(not all)
playing sports with friends
ice cream
taiwan/singapore stars(not all)
back stabber
bossy people
to fail my subjects
breaking up with friends
to be alone



My another blog


June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009


Designer:Si Ying
Pictures: Asianfanatics
Textures: flyinghigh
Photo Uploader: Photobucket
Music: imeem
Host: Blogger

Friday, July 31, 2009
5:45 PM

yesterday went to the my little blue concert .
alot of teachers acted .
teachers who acted :
- mrs ong - mrs teo - mr tze
- miss chia - miss chua - miss lim
-lin lao shi - aunty irene - and alot more
alot of teachers did help out too .
i saw my ex classmate !!!
michelle , josephine , ming zhen , ting fang .
unfortunally i and jes can't sit with them .
as me and jas the ticket was on the top then mish they all the ticket were the downstair one .
but still happy to see them .
one of my youngest sister friend called tannia is very cute ,
she has a chubby face .
then song of the concert was nice and funny .
there is one song with balakchan in it ,
so funny and all the chilli in it .
people there was dancing , singing and acting .
the dance was nice ,
recalled that there was a chicky dance . haha .
at the end of the show ,
i took the bus backt o kellock then they gave us noodles .
so kind of them ya !
miss msh they all .
wonder did jas manage to meet them ???
i think i saw danielle too .
there with some other people .
this is a nice concert ,
just that mdm tan didn't come yesterday .
she is going today .
didn't see the principal . hiaz .
don't like the oral com lesson .
later going for tuition .
need to go through the science things ,
1 week more is the test already ...
for all the people having exams jia you , good luck !!!
ok got to go do something .
i'll try to blog more next time
bye bye

clxy :)
if i spell your name wrongly ,
sorry about that .
tagged and tell me .

Bull Fighting :D

Friday, July 24, 2009
7:12 PM

hey people ,
today no tuition so decided to post .
haiz this few days have alot of projects .
then cca and supp all started .
then 2.4 is also coming .
haven really train .
miss mok actually want us to train for this week pe ,
who know ,
it rain .
so unlucky .
almost all the wednesday rain .
we didn't really get to train .
find that alot of people improve there running skills .
alot of people can run fast .
last week happen alot of stuffs ,
but i'm happy that is over .
just think that there is ------- people around .
yesterday during class ,
me and a group of friends were talking about ghost story for 1 hour .
i will say one of the story out .
one of my friend have a doll ,
the doll will move when there is batteries in it .
so my friend took the batteries .
one night the doll started to walk towards her .
she screamed .
place : at home
this week it just happen alot of things .
there is funny ,
scary ,
and ,
etc ... ...
wednesday the tennis training ,
don't have seniors .
so good .
now kai wei ,
i think she like to play bball already .
she is good in bball .
her shooting is nice , pretty .
btw ,
yesterday i saw miss quek ,
she wear something very different .
her car is black .
just have alot of homework to do .
haiz ...
me got to get started to do .
so ....
stop for now .
see your next time .
bye bye

clxy :)
(not all the things happen is in there)

Bull Fighting :D

Monday, July 13, 2009
12:52 AM

yesterday my sis celebrated her bday .
ya . alot of people came .
4 plus we went to play bball .
alot of people was there .
people there :
_me_my sis_merissa_mandy
_my youngest sis_her classmates
_etc .... (other bballer)
we played until 9 plus .
yesterday is the longest time we played .
melissa and xiao jin played too .
they both were not bad .
and melissa think that radin mas is shuai .
yesterday the shooting was not bad for all people in the bball court .
today went to school saw ms quek .
then today lesson was a bit rush .
geo , need to copy alot of notes .
btw , today is gladys lim bday .
haiz . later have tuition .
ok . going to stop for now .
need to do homework already :)
bye bye


Bull Fighting :D

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
4:17 AM

sorry ar ,
so long never blog .
today is going to be a short post .
sorry !
today finally got pe lesson .
miss mok take us for pe now .
btw ,
my class co-form change to miss mok .
today we run 4 rounds ,
then do 20 push up ,
then run again for 4 rounds ,
then do 40 sits up ,
then run again for the last 4 round ,
then do standing board jump , shuttle run , pull up .
if u jump for run the fastest ,
u can don't do the rest of the jumping and running .
then after that is chinese .
the lesson is fun .
we played games .
today we learnt new thing in math .
thought that was quite hard .
today got alot of projects to do . haiz .
tmr the lesson not nice .
today after school ,
me and rennie went to find miss quek for mahjong paper .
then she take one umbrella out .
say who knock her door .
then we say we want mahjong paper .
she say we thought she everyday play mahjong ar .
then .....
she went in to take and give us her last two piece .
she is so damn kind i think .
why can't she continue be our co-form teacher ?
haiz .
why change ?
so bad lor .
ok . today got alot of project so ya .
need to stop .
bye bye

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Thursday, July 2, 2009
5:45 AM

today i'm going to blog for 4 days .
from the first day of school till today .
on the first day of school ,
me and my friends bought the books that is needed for the last time time table .
which the time table had change and we didn't know about that .
so we bring the bookssss back .
on the second day we the lesson is not bad .
then after school saw si wei .
on wednesday we have pe .
thenn thw weather is not good .
it is going to rain .
and hate that .
cannot run on the track ,
then run up down the stairs .
then have shuttle run .
need to do 20 plus push up ,
20 sit up .
haiz . it is not outdoor .
and today ......
have lesson .......
then when geography ,
need to present .
haiz , don't know what to say .
but when i go up ,
at least still can say .
so lucky didn't get kana .
(sorry if spell wrongly)
then today did play bball .
but the skill deprove . haiz .
last time third pointer still can shoot .
now second pointer also cannot shoot .
haiz . really deprove alot .
try to play more offen .
oh ya . while playing ....
11 and the other guy came .
then they don't have bball ,
so they play imaginary balll .
then 11 waited for the ball .
radin mas came .
finally the othe guy bring the ball come .
then they play .
ya . like that .
very long never play fb already .
go play now .
bye bye


Bull Fighting :D