about me

Cynthia! <333

Name : Cynthia
Birthday : 31 Jan
Age : 13
Email : orange7332@gmail.com
Blog : Domo. DouNiu.


最近还好吗- S.H.E

Info On Me


The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries
Brown Sugar Macchiato
Why Why Love
Romantic Princess
KO one
The magicians of love
Hana Kimi[Taiwan Version]
Teen Age
Beach Ball Babes
Little Nyonya
Hot Shot

And alot more

A red and black bball
A new sport shoe
New clothes
Past my subject with flyings colours

Love and Like
to go out with friends
make new friends
teachers(not all)
playing sports with friends
ice cream
taiwan/singapore stars(not all)
back stabber
bossy people
to fail my subjects
breaking up with friends
to be alone



My another blog


June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009


Designer:Si Ying
Pictures: Asianfanatics
Textures: flyinghigh
Photo Uploader: Photobucket
Music: imeem
Host: Blogger

Saturday, June 27, 2009
6:55 AM

today is the last day that i need to go NUS to study camp .
we did alot of hands on experiment today .
first thing we had is the demo tour .
the person there show us alot of thing that we can play in the room .
i did took pictures there .
already upload to fb .
second we had a chance to do our own toy .
we made two .
one is the use rubber band , container , clips , etc ....
second is the motor thing .
materials use :
then we had our lunch .
we went to the lab which has microscope .
they teach us how to use it .
and the name of the parts that you can find in the microscope .
we printed our the things that we want .
and tea break .
we went to another lad to do some more interesting and fun .
we use the SEM to focus on the thing that we want to print .
and then that is the last thing we did for the whole camp .
before the camp ,
i thought is going to be boring .
but after the camp ,
i find it quite ok .
i have made new friends from different school .
like , there is girls from ,
Cres Girl Sec
Newtown Sec
etc ...
there is one girl in the same class with a bballer .
still haven finnish homework .
ok stop for now ppl .
bye bye

clxy :)
will try to blog is there is something interesting .

Bull Fighting :D

Friday, June 26, 2009
4:54 AM

yesterday went to marina barage to do CIP .
the volunters are around the same .
there are new one .
they take us a walk in around the barage ,
then we went to play with water .
i have been wet by someone .
after that we had lunch .
then go tiong play arcade .
we played the basketball one .
ya . that day quite fun .
we took pictures if u want to see you can go fb to see .

today went to NUS to study .
thought that there will have no one i know ,
but then i saw sandy .
so the whole thing programme is not that boring .
we had two kind of talk in the morning ,
then later lunch .
then we had hands on experiment .
it was kind of fun .
pictures at fb .
tmr going again .

until today my hoildays homework is not done .
haiz . must finnsh within this two days ,
then can play bball .
ok got to go do my homework now .
bye bye

clxy :)
if i haven relink your ,
sorry ar .

Bull Fighting :D

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
3:56 AM

hey ppl ,
long time didn't blog already .
today i think is going to be a short one.
happy that the tennis training in the june hoildays is cancel :D
today went to rennie's house to do art .
the played a bit of com games .
after that go out with my sis , jess and her sis .
we watch hannah montana the movie .
the movie was not bad .
we bought drinks and tibits .
when you buy three tickets ,
they will let you have something jackpot .
we we got something .
but like cannot use like that .
on thursday going to do cip at the cc again .
going to meet amanda ,
my old friend .
miss her damn alot .
as we are in different school .
just can't wait to see her .
so ya .......
as i say is going to be a short one ...
ya ......
going to rc ,
bye bye

thank jess

Bull Fighting :D

Friday, June 12, 2009
8:22 AM

today morning went for morning run .
then we eat before we go ruun together .
later we walk/run up the mount faber .

then went we reach the top ,
we saw something the jewel one .
then we went in to look at the menu on the tour .
we wanted to go on the 9 tour ,
is like very nice , interesting .
then suddenly merissa mum walk in from no where .
she ask if we wanted to take car down .
so we took the car down .
the way down is very long .
luckily we did not choose to walk down .
after that merissa's dad fetch us to habourfront .
we ate mac there .
then we went to shops that sell sports stuff .
the things inside was nice .
the volleyball is 29 .
then the bball is 19 .
after that we went to bulid a bear shop .
we were insude walk walk ,
then the person us what can she help something like that .
then we ask her wherther there is clothe that is bball t .
and there is .
the design is so damn cute .
after that we went toy r rus .
we took photos there .
we went to carefour then we play volleyball there .
it was so funny .
there don't have much place for us to play .
hehe :)
then later went to play ground and play .
is was so sunny .
so we sat somewhere where there is shelter .
then we played bluetooth games .
it was fun .
after that we went merissa house to play pool table .
it was so damn fun .
just that the table is small .
but still can play .
we play until 5 plus like that near 6 then go .
merissa and rennie had the nike thing already .
left me . i want .
is so nice .
next time the run maybe need to change place already .
ok . got to go fb already .
bye bye

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Tuesday, June 9, 2009
7:08 AM

today is a long , fun and a tiring day for me .
morning wake up at 6 45 like that get ready to go sentosa to do cip work .
is at hederson there .
bukit merah west community centre .
we actually reach the place already ,
so we go confirm .
then the other person say is the other side ,
so we went to the other side .
but is wrong .
so we walk back again .
then we saw the door open .
just now didn't see the door .
we went in already we were divided into teams .
me and rennie in green team with chris and joceline . (sorry if i spell wrongly)
then merissa and charmaine in white team .
with who ? not sure .
then lynette was in red team .
shalyn in yellow .
we are volunters .
but we went there like play with them .
we played the kite ,
volleyball (with rubberb all as they don't have) ,
captain ball (also with rubber ball) ,
not choice have to use rubber ball .
then we eat at don't know what time ,
around 12 30 like that .
2 o'clock we leave the place .
btw , we got fried rice for lunch .
quite nice :)
then we went back to play again .
went we reach the community centre ,
we were inform that someone phone was missing .
then everyone check their bag .
then got one girl founnd it and return .
then later we tiong to to see stuff or eat .
then saw alot of nike stuff .
nice . I WANT .
then later went back home .
then my sis and merissa when downstair to do homework .
then come up and say want to play bball .
say gen and yi lin downstair to .
i find today play very funny and the others very high .
when we are about to go .
mariana ask if we want to play match .
then we say ok .
because not more then 10 min she say .
then we four group plus jia wei .
the four is :
me , my sis , merissa and genevie .
then we played the next round .
now ben in our group plus jia wei .
the game is very fun .
as we don't know how to play ,
then we any how play .
still got number .
have 11 , 12 , 13 , 89 , 99 etc ...
and ben did use the 99 move .
jia wei didn't .
still feel like playing .
lke stay longer .
but to sad ,
we must leave already .
oh ya .
the jia wei that side the ball like very soft .
get hit already won't feel that much pain .
ya is a fun day today .
ok . going to sleep liao .
bye bye .

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Friday, June 5, 2009
6:15 AM

today went jogging with the rest to mount faber .
around 9 plus .
we run up a while then started walking as some cannot take it .
a lady saw us need water .
she offered us a drink .
how kind is she .
but one bottle is not enough for us .
so we went to find restaurant .
when we finally found one ,
the can drink is $2 ,
then the plain water is also $2 .
we were there like $2 .
then the waiter saw us having a empty bottle .
so call us to refill there at their water cooler .
then the waiter still us do we need cup .
then we say ok .
we stand there and drink alot of water .
i think the waiter thought that we don't have money .
that's why he offer us water .
good right .
then later we walk down the hill .
then saw something fell from the tree .
it was something funny and interesting .
is a yellow color thing with spot .
we kick down the hill .
then rennie kick to one side .
after that , i went to rennie house .
we play ps .
then later go down play bball .
saw the normal ppl there .
then saw radin mas .
he is wearing a shirt that printed leng hee .
is this his name ? thought is hong something ?
he went back to his house and then bring his bike down .
is white in color .
then merissa say is nice .
he ride up the slop .
then me and merissa was like talking ,
what if he loss the balance and fell .
then the bike will fly though the bball .
he will row down like don't what .
ok . now rc have problem can't play . haiz .
try to play other game .
bye bye


Bull Fighting :D

Thursday, June 4, 2009
5:36 AM

today went to rennie house .
to do homework .
but didn't do .
didn't managed to watch finnish the movie .
is the chao ji a ma thing .
some part quite boring .
then went to play bball .
later went to her house the watch alvin and the chipmunks .
after that went down again .
meet merissa and her sis .
jessica didn't play today as she is tried .
gen can't play because her mother is already home .
sad for her .
didn't see her play for a long time .
like don't know how long already .
then today didn't see much ppl at the court .
we play today very funny .
like dou niu like that .
then rennie left afetr that .
so i go to her house to take my bag .
she ee her mum haven come ,
then she go bball court again .
we were playing shooting .
see who can shoot the most in one row .
we were trying to make each other laugh so the person cannot shoot .
we say alot of things .
things we said to make ppl laugh :
-baby-darling-darl-babe-lao gong
-spaghetti-chicken chop-pizza
-fish&chips-and alot more i think .
want to get more new clothe , shoe , etc ...
want to go running.
hand is aching . haiz .
nothing more to type .
so .........
stopping here .
bye bye .


Bull Fighting :D

Wednesday, June 3, 2009
4:34 AM

today attended the sport workshop .
is quite boring , sorry to say that .
today i had a job .
i've chosen to be vice-captain for tennis .
is it a good thing or a bad thing ?
can i cope it anot .
scare that i can't cope .
for more info on tennis for c div :
captain : ming lim
vice-captain : me and nicole .
for b div :
captain : yizi .
vice-captain : rei and ying chi .
jessica is captain for c div in her gym .
after the workshop .
when to play bball .
today more ppl play .
ppl who came but didn't play :
-lynette -gen
ppl came and played :
-me-my sis -rennie -jessica
-vivian - rei - eleanor
today have three sec two who play with us .
ppl who is at bball court beside us :
-weiling -marianna -vivian
-si wei-jia wei-radin mas-
-and other guys .
today in court ther is alot of new players .
some never see before .
the old ppl came and play today .
so can't play .
today the radin mas climb up the thing and sat on it .
like mermaid like that .
then si wei pass water to him .
ok going to do some quiz .
bye bye

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Monday, June 1, 2009
8:34 AM

today created a new blog .
wanting to change .
not everytime domo .
sometimes will be boring too .
so wanted to change to dou niu yao bu yao .
this is a taiwan show .
is about basketball and loving .
the show is nice .
you should watch it .
i will be posting on this blog from today onwards .
but for the domo blog ,
maybe once a month i will blog or add pictures .
( if have )
this show for tabby is a funny show .
she laugh when hebe fell in the show .
not even half the show ,
she already laught alot .
she is cute when she laugh .
and that is the tabby i know .
btw lovely is creating blog in the june holiday .
today went to tampines ( sry if spell wrongly ) .
is the newly open one .
is qutie nice .
bought one new shirt that cost me $25 .
is nice .
wearing that to sentosa i think .
the next week cip .
on the 9 june .
ok . see your guys soon .

signing off ,
clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D