about me

Cynthia! <333

Name : Cynthia
Birthday : 31 Jan
Age : 13
Email : orange7332@gmail.com
Blog : Domo. DouNiu.


最近还好吗- S.H.E

Info On Me


The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries
Brown Sugar Macchiato
Why Why Love
Romantic Princess
KO one
The magicians of love
Hana Kimi[Taiwan Version]
Teen Age
Beach Ball Babes
Little Nyonya
Hot Shot

And alot more

A red and black bball
A new sport shoe
New clothes
Past my subject with flyings colours

Love and Like
to go out with friends
make new friends
teachers(not all)
playing sports with friends
ice cream
taiwan/singapore stars(not all)
back stabber
bossy people
to fail my subjects
breaking up with friends
to be alone



My another blog


June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009


Designer:Si Ying
Pictures: Asianfanatics
Textures: flyinghigh
Photo Uploader: Photobucket
Music: imeem
Host: Blogger

Friday, December 18, 2009
7:20 AM

hi people ,
today is going to be a long post .
as today is charmaine bday .
and alot of things happen .
is like so long never play bball already .
then suddenly played for three continuous days .
on wednesday ,
on thursday we started playing already .
then the following day ,
the morning ,
she say she want to play again to like practise ...
then we played until don't know what time around 12 ???
then go her house .
then is like rest there first .
after she go to my house and help .
after that they went to tiong .
then vivian , tabitha came .
then we went to help clean the bbq pit thingy ...
then crystal came .
she just come for awhile then leave .
is like not even 1/2 an hour .
if not for work she will stay longer to play bball .
omg !!! haven even play with her before ...
want to see her skills .
then can improve mine .
today alot people came .
happen alot of things .
is like suddenly sw come and say happy birthday to charmaine .
kind of weird weird one . lol . haha .
but is kind of nice .
wishing people happy birthday .
then we play till quite late .
at the starting we can't even set up the fire thingy .
as we never bbq before .
tmr will be playing too .
with the friends/tutors .
then don't know what will happen ...
i will try to update more often ,
as i don't want my blog to be DEAD ...
so ya ...
if i remember anything or miss anything .
i will come and update .
do tag before leaving .
thanks .
got to go watch hot shot already .
bye bye

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Sunday, December 13, 2009
10:44 PM

on Saturday went to bugis shop .
manage to buy a new shirt :)
on Sunday went to cut hair .
a new hair style :)
then today went to do cip at the holding school ,
Olivia say is like from 8 30 to 6 .
but it end up earlier .
it end at 12 15 .
so me and Vanessa went to tiong .
we ate mac .
saw the b clique .
i think they going bbq ,
as they carry a lot of stuff .
looking forward to play bball soon :)
bye for now ,
going to play games :)
bye bye

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Thursday, December 10, 2009
6:36 PM

yesterday went to snow city with miss teo and rennie .
first we go meet miss teo at jurong east then we go eat .
miss teo treat us fruit juice . thanks :)
after that we science centre .
we have a package that go science centre and snow city .
the next timing for us to go in is at 3 .
so we go science centre as it is still early .
there is question , and we tried to solve but didn't manage to complete .
around 2 48 we walk to snow city .
wear the jacket and boots ,
ready to go in .
we are so cold .
we love to slide down from the top .
it was fun .
the floor is very slippery .
there is a person who help us take the photo .
we went in for like 1 hour plus going 2 .
after that miss teo took a taxi home .
rennie's aunt come and fetch us to eat .
we went to jurong east st 21 to eat .
the food is nice .
i ate the fried rice that come with the pork and a egg .
maybe next time i could try when it come with chicken .
so long never play bball already .
i think i can't shoot well le .
don't know went is the next time playing .
ok . going to stop for now .
see you the next time .
bye bye

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Wednesday, December 2, 2009
3:12 AM

today went to ian house to play tennis .
vivian and vanessa went too .
i meet vivian first then we go meet vanessa .
we went to eat then go meet ian .
we play tennis for awhile then vanessa say she want to buy drink .
so we follow her .
then go back play again .
iann say he tennis skill is not good ,
but his he hit very nice .
then it started raining ,
so we go play table tennis .
meet a few people ,
his sister and her sister friends .
before we started playing ,
there is this guy who look like a basketball player ,
asking whether we using to room anot .
they brother and sister started playing first then we play .
they are pro ... i think
i find table tennis so fun .
wanted to play longer .
but need to leave already .
so we take a cab with iann as he going to the city ,
and we can go to the city take mrt home .
me and vivian went to ion .
first time going there .
it is very nice .
bought a file which cost me 4.90 .
is a basketball design file ,
kinda nice .
when we going out of ion ,
i saw jasmin ,
the band senior .
today was fun .
ian say he want to play basketball .
maybe went he come back then we can meet and play ???
see how first ,
as he stay quite far away from here .
ok , going to play games le .
bye bye

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Saturday, November 28, 2009
11:31 PM

hey people ,
sorry long time didn't blog .
busy play games .
haha .
on thursday ,
actually going to play tennis in my friends friends house there .
but the person got injured ,
that's why cannot play .
omg ! so long never play already .
is changed to next week .
can't wait .
bought a new shoe on wed .
it is pink and black .
hot shot the show is real nice .
if you never watch ,
go watch it .
is about basketball .
really want to improve .
hope can grow taller .
i want to put the ball in .
not throw .
my friends too .
hot shot the move is kinda weird ,
as where got people can fly jump so high and stop there .
anyway is kinda of cool .
one evening went running with yee hwee , char , mer , man .
run for like less than 1 hour .
after that went to play bball .
play until 9 plus .
went to buy ice cream .
love it .
holiday , nothing much to do .
boring ....
nothing special to edit le .
remember to tag before you leave k .
bye bye

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Friday, November 13, 2009
6:08 PM

wednesday ,
tennis training have match with nicole .
lost to her .
hiax .
don't know why no mood to play leh .
then on thursday ,
went to east coast park .
as there is gathering .
happen alot of things .
not gonna type .
overall , is a fun day .
yesterday , merissa's birthday .
we celebrated with cakes , chips , drinks and bball .
next week gonna do cip in school .
don't know when is the next time i'm gonna blog .
so ya .
do tagged k .
ya . short post today .
sorry .
next time try to be longer .
bye bye

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
5:21 AM

sorry , so long never blog .
now gonna update .
yesterday , we have tennis meeting .
with mrs de hamel .
she want us to like change the attitude towards tennis ,
as some people don't come regularly .
after that we have our tennis training .
i went out with my seniors .
went to rei's house .
her dog damn hyper sia .
run here run there .
then we went safra .
reach outside the billiard . they don't want to go in .
after going in ,
don't know what happen to rei .
she don't want to play .
then we went up to the bowling alley .
then also got alot of people .
at the end went back to billiard there .
she don't want to play .
after a while she played .
at night when to funeral ,
the husband kill the child and then jump down the building that one .
the child so poor thing .
today , went to dental check up .
saw vanessa ,
she say she go five time already .
alot sia .
then when leaving saw chantel .
later saw vanessa again in the toilet .
then i ask her she still need to go anot .
she say finally finish already .
tmr , going to eat lunch with seniors .
then go out and play .
after that then go training .
people going :
and me .
very long never play bball already .
kinda miss it .
hiaz .
want to go play games already .
bye bye

clxy :)

Bull Fighting :D